What a fabulous long weekend at the IBM - International Brotherhood of Magicians convention Eastbourne 2023. Humbled to have had such a successful stand with such amazing feedback from new and existing clients. (Including several legends of magic, presidents past and present and amazing international performers young and old.)
As always my dice cups and candy cups were a huge hit and loads of fun to demonstrate. However it was also a nice surprise and super exciting to sell out of the new paddle key rings, "out for dinner" and all the Double Cross DC Pro pens! I wasn't expecting this so feeling happy and proud.
Thanks to everyone for all your kinds works, support and custom
Here is some highlights from the weekend and the latest products from Grum .

Wonderful having Marvin Berglass, President of The Magic Circle not only come to my stand with his lovely wife, but purchase a few premium products too, including the Extreme Burn money clip & the phantom utility holder. It was also great to present Marvin with his own new bespoke Key ring in honour of his latest achievement of becoming president!

Wonderful laughs and giggles performing the candy cup with the legend Terry Herbett (the honorary life time Vice President of the IBM British Ring) and Ex president of the Magic Circle Scott Penrose. Sorry we didnt get a picture with Oliver Tibor the current IBM President, but he was just too busy with the convention planning.

And wonderful having Charles Arkin , the International President of the IBM who also came to our stand, spent a lot of time with us and purchased several of our premium products to perform too. Including our cups, one for the diary, and out to dinner.
Wow! The DC PRO Pen Holders
Sold Out at the IBM Convention!
(Still available online as they are made to order)

I can not believe the success we have been having with the DC Pro pen holder. The sales were insane even before the convention so we raced round the clock working day and night to produce another batch of them just for the convention. Could not believe that eery single one sold and we got orders for them too. I was surprised after having some unusual comments said about it in one of the magicians groups. But once people saw them in person, the unity and the benefits they just couldn't resist!
The DC Pen holder is the perfect solution to something I and many magicians have struggled with for years. A pen holder ideal for performers of double cross. This allows you to keep the pen safe, free from your clothing, easy access and ready to perform at a moments notice. Not only is it made from premium quality leather and suede but it can be worn on the belt and in the jacket pocket too. It also has a integrated secret hold out which is an added bonus. If you perfrom this effect this is a winner for you!
Check it out here below!
A sneaky peak at our latest pre release
launched at the IBM convention The PKR (A changeable paddle key ring) (Still available online as they are made to order)
This handcrafted, luxury leather keyrings clever design allows you to change the internal discs to a number of differnt predictions allowing you to perfom the effect several times at the same event with a differnt outcome each time.
This is based on the classic paddle move but with a real visual, clever and magical twist. And it also allows you to taylor your keyring to any type of event you do, weather mind reading, close up magic or a childrens party.
Grums New 'Out to Dinner'
Another winner!
(reinventing 'out to lunch')
A brand new accessory which is perfect for performing 'out to lunch'. But with a difference. You can literally prepare your prediction and write in front of your spectator!
This fabulous little leather card carrier not only neatyl holds your cards, but also stores aditional pieces which enables you to mix up the routine / prediction from table to table.
If you order this you also get the benefit of downloading plenty of Ari's own graphics specially prepared for you to add directly to the back of your own business cards.
You get a selection of graphics from Rabit in hat, spoon bending, ballon prediction, gypsy ball prediction, selected card preditction to name a few.
This effect is supurb and ensures you are easily able to give your card out with a memory attached to it so they want to keep it! Creating an emotional attachment:)